Invite A Friend - TITLE Boxing Club Milford | Fitness | Boxing | Kickboxing | Exercise 

Invite A Friend


Come in and try your first class at TITLE Boxing Club Milford. Call us today at (203) 701-6100.

TITLE Boxing Club offers explosive total body boxing and kickboxing fitness workouts. Called the POWER HOUR, these group fitness classes capitalize on the training of professional boxers, kickboxers and mixed martial artists. Members can join others in these group fitness classes led by pros that target the whole body. Start with a 15 minute warm-up, and then put on the gloves for eight, three minute rounds of punch and kick-punch combinations followed by core abdominal work and cool down. There’s simply nothing else like it if you really want to HIT IT HARD® and get in the best shape of your life. The first shot is FREE so you’ve got nothing to lose but pounds and inches! Plus, each TITLE Boxing Club features authentic TITLE Boxing equipment, including heavy bag stations, TITLE boxing ring, speed bag, plus free weights and cardiovascular machines. In-club retail stores offer exclusive TITLE Boxing Club merchandise and Title Boxing equipment for sale to the public.

    Reserve Your First Class

    Please fill out the form below, or call us at

    (203) 701-6100

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